I started a new Stillman & Birn Beta journal and started my first page showing the various Fountain Pens I have on hand.
Each pen illustration was sketched and description written out using the individual pen illustrated. All pens have Noodler's Lexington Gray ink which when dry is water proof allowing for watercolor washes without ink bleed.
A #8 Round brush was used to paint each pen using the wet in wet technique. Love how wet in wet works on this paper!
Paints used: Winsor & Newton watercolors for all pens except the Pilot Prera (Green pen) which was painted using Daniel Smith watercolors.
As noted by X2 and X3, I have that many of the same type pen with different inks in them. With the Pilot Prera, I have two pens one with Lexington Gray ink and the other Namiki Black which is a water soluble ink. With the Platinum Carbon pens, I have three .... one with.Lexington Gray ink, Noodler's #41 Brown, and one for now with the standard cartridge black you can purchase for the pen. When that cartridge is empty, I will probably fill it with the Namiki water soluble or might even go with a Blue Black ink.
I had forgotten how much I enjoyed sketching and painting in the Beta sketchbook journal.
Thank you Susan. I am just learning about using ink/pens with watercolor and this is fantastic advice. Regards