Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Winter in Florida

After growing up and spending most of my life in the Northern part of the US, I always associated Winter time and Christmas being cold weather eagerly hoping for snow especially on Christmas Day.  Living in Florida just feels strange as if winter doesn't exist and making it difficult to "feel" Christmasy.  I feel like the season is more Spring to Summer than Winter.  Flowers are blooming, green grass, trees with all their leaves, warm temperatures and sunny skies, as well as all the bugs we were used to getting a break from during Winter back North.

And this time of year I looked forward to painting snow scenes and snowmen.  It's difficult to get myself psyched to do things like that when the weather doesn't fit.

Trying to work past all of that, I did manage this back on Thanksgiving Day when I would normally put up a tree and other decorations.  Our Christmas tree this year is a miniature palm with white lights and a few miniature balls hanging from it.  It's nice but again just feels strange. 

Most of the day is as I listed along side of this sketch I worked.  The closest to a snowman we'll ever see here down South.

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