Monday, February 23, 2015

Artistic Battery in Need of Recharging

For the last couple of weeks I've lacked motivation to do much with sketching or painting.  The interest is there but not the energy.  I find I go through these spells............kind of like needing my artistic battery recharged.

I remain diligent in keeping up with other artists .....sitting and looking at their work; keeping up with art groups I'm in; watching art videos; and reading anything I can related.  But actually feeling up to doing anything takes a lot during these times.

Even with that said, I have managed a few pages in my Strathmore Visual Soft Cover journal as I work through this.


  1. I really like your ink sketches, and especially the figures. Seeing them is inspiring me to try doing some. Thanks for posting these.

  2. Melissa.........thank you so much. :-)


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