Monday, March 2, 2015


This is a journal entry worked today of a brown anole that we learned was stuck trying to crawl back out from between window glass and screen.

We happened to be outside and saw this guy thinking he was just being real still because we were there........hoping we didn't see him.  We didn't realize until hours later when letting the dogs out back that he was actually stuck needing help to get out...........which Terry did.

Working in the Stillman & Birn Delta sketchbook, I chose to go with just watercolor ink work this time.  I could still add additional layers but made myself stop.  I sit and look at this thinking I could try to push the screen back by adding more tones and contrast in the lizard but then in reality, these guys blend into their surrounds keeping myself from nit-picking and possibly overworking this,  I called it done.

I have to remind myself that my journal pages are more for recording observations, telling stories, testing of materials, random illustrations, that might grab my attention, etc.....................not fine pieces of art I ever plan to frame.  :-)

I really like these Albrecht Durer watercolor pencils. 

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