Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Trip to Disney

This past week my son and his family came to visit us here in Florida.  During their week here, we took them to Magic Kingdom............first time for my oldest son and our two granddaughters 9 and 12.  It was HOT and the lines were long but we had a wonderful day.

I managed two rides with everyone but sat out waiting while they rode other rides I knew I couldn't handle.  While doing so, I actually did a little sketching........even with all the people around me.  I'm doing better even though I did close my sketchbook a couple of times if too many were standing too close to me.

At one point I discovered a little girl standing behind me watching over my shoulder but that didn't bother me.  When I looked at her, she gave me this huge smile.  At another point there was another little girl and her grandmother watching with grandmother explaining to the little girl what I was doing.

These first two pages were sketched while at the park............S&B Zeta sketchbook.

This one is from a photo I took and worked this morning.......also in the Zeta sketchbook.

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