Sunday, September 13, 2015

What I've Been Up To Lately

Besides the renaming of art files and better organization as mentioned in the previous post, I have been putting together pdf files of demos and art reference sheets.  My latest project using bits and pieces of my artwork to create cover pages.

Here is an example of one cover in both portrait and landscape orientation.

And because I save my blog posts converting to pdf files, I've played a bit using Photoshop Elements to create covers.   Some are using scans from my artwork and some are playing with brushes in the software program itself.

I still have some work to do .....  like how I want to place a title on them but these are a good start to work from.


  1. Looking good Susan. You are soo organized! What are you going to do with them?

  2. Thanks Sandy!!! What am I going to do with them? I honestly don't know. I keep thinking about this dream I've had for years of producing something that might make my family proud. I just keep running into road blocks......the major one being me. But even with the road blocks, I still play creating things like these covers hoping one day I might be in need of them. In the meantime, I have all these demo and art reference sheets I've made into pdfs (now with cover options) that I personally can sit back and flip through :-)


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