Monday, October 17, 2016

2016 Inktober Challenge - Day 17

Speaking of birthday..........because my birthday fell on a weekday, my sons wanted to get together yesterday afternoon as a little celebration.

Of course a cake had to be made and here I am 95 days into what's called a Keto diet.  At this point I was not going to break down no matter how tempting it might be.

Hubby made the cake (yellow cake mix) and I iced it (mild chocolate icing).  What helped me through the temptation, I created a little cupcake made from low carb pancake mix.  I put about a half silicone cup of batter into the microwave and nooked it for about 35 seconds.  It puffed up beautifully.  For icing I used a pudding like desert made with home-made whip cream, sugar substitute, vanilla, and cream cheese.  Also low carb.  Sprinkled some unsweetened coconut flakes and pecan pieces on top and own birthday cake I could eat.  The family even had a candle stuck in the middle to make it authentic.

So they ate their cake and I ate mine.  Divided up the left over and split between my sons and eldest son's family leaving all temptation behind!

Here's a journal entry about it in my sketchbook as today's Inktober sketch :-)


  1. Wow, 95 days KETO, that's amazing! I just started a Whole30, but I try to eat primal/paleo most of the time. Do you know of elanaspantry (dot) com? If you look under Special Diets, she has quite a few KETO recipes listed. I've tried several of her recipes and enjoyed them.

  2. I try to keep paleo / primal too (for the most part) but there are some processed foods I won't give up if low carb and I do eat a little dairy. I'll have to check into that site as I'm always looking for new recipe ideas to help keep me going. Although I must admit, it's not been that difficult for me which is surprising. I'm not dealing with cravings and finally breaking away from comfort eating of bad junk food in the evenings. Thank you for the info :-)

  3. You sound a lot like me. Comfort eating junk food is my weakness. I've done a Whole30 before and know the cravings will subside after the first three or four days, but this time I'm also trying to learn how to change my mindset around eating. I think that's the key for me. I'm reading Melissa Hartwig's Food Freedom Forever and finding it helpful.

    Melissa Joulwan also has a lot of good recipes on theclothesmakethegirl (dot) com.


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