Wednesday, October 19, 2016

2016 Inktober Days 18 and 19

I'm really surprising myself that I'm still working the daily sketches.  Some days I might struggle being able to concentrate and really get into it but I'm still hanging in there.

Day 18 - Acorn cluster found right after Hurricane Matthew passed Florida.  We had a lot of limbs and small branches come down from the wind and lots of leaf tips which included this cluster of acorns.  The oaks here have tons of little acorns.  We were used to the larger leafed oaks back north and larger acorns.

This was one of those days I just really wasn't into sketching but did so anyways.  Tiny little sketch only taking up a quarter of a 3 x 4"

Day 19 - Was looking through digital photos I had taken a week before the first Hurricane hit Florida from the West Coast.  This is from our visit to Cedar Keys that got hit hard by that hurricane.  Picture is of hubby.

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