Friday, November 4, 2016

Sketch Crawl - Lake Sumter Landing, The Villages

Ohhhhhhhhh what a wonderful day this has been!!  Couldn't have asked for better weather too!

The group of about 12 today met up at Lake Sumter Landing at 9 a.m. this morning.  Had a little meeting and then everyone disbursed heading in various directions.  There is soooooo much in this area one could spend hours or days or even months capturing on paper.

Before the majority showed up, Alice came to sit with me and I shared with her one of my hand made spiral journals made several months ago as well as an accordion fold journal I had made.  She's new to working in sketchbooks and journals and thought she might like having a couple different type journals to try out.

After the meeting when everyone showed up, three of us (Tina, Kathy, and myself) headed for Starbucks (I believe that was the place) to get coffee and while the other two were in line, I waited at a table.  Grabbed my sketchbook and thought.......I only have a few minutes, what can I quickly sketch in that time.  I chose this guy half sitting in his chair at another table.  I was actually surprised I did as much as you see on the page as I'm normally slow.  (Working on that)

After they bought their drinks, Tina headed one way and Kathy and I headed in the opposite direction to sketch the restrooms that looks like beach bath houses.

At that point Carol arrived and the three of us headed back towards where we started along the boardwalk and water.

Kathy wanted to sketch a partially sunken rusty boat and I decided I wanted to sketch the tower in the opposite direction.

About an hour before it was time to meet up for lunch, I decided to walk around a bit.  Took a few pictures and then headed back towards the water and sat down sketching the lamp on the post and the no fishing sign.

At lunch we all sat and shared what we had done.  Ate and then everyone went their separate ways.

I still don't feel comfortable painting out in public.  I'm normally an introvert not feeling real at ease out in public anyways.  But that's something I'm working on using art as a means to help me through this.  I'm finally meeting people I can see face to face and spend time with who enjoy doing the same things I like to do.  I love my internet friends who share the same passion but it's really nice to have bodies to sit next to.....sketch....and have a conversation as well.

Ohhhh, and my art kit on wheels worked out beautifully too!!!

I chose my hand sewn journal of Fabriano Artistico 140lb cold press watercolor paper to work in.  Using a mechanical pencil, I worked these sketches in the numerical order shown on the pages.  My plan was to use pencil first, go back over with pen and ink later, and then take watercolor to the pages.  However, after I got home, I decided to go back over with darker pencil and leave as graphite sketches.  I may spray the pages and then at a later time use ink and watercolors but I'm happy with just the pencil sketches.


  1. These are really nice, Susan. Sounds like you had a fantastic time. I'm glad your rolling art kit worked out. That was such a clever idea to make a work surface to prop on your knees.

    I didn't know you can spray a graphite drawing and then go back and add watercolor over it. What kind of spray do you use?

  2. Thanks, Susan :-)

    I use Blair, Very Low Odor Spray Fix. Think I bought it from Blick Art Supplies. Not sure if I'd go too wet with the watercolor......haven't tried that. But to add a bit of color to graphite where it doesn't mix and become muddy, it's worked out OK for me.

  3.'s the link and description:

  4. Thank you so much! I didn't know if the watercolor would end up just sitting on top of a sprayed page and maybe not drying. It's good to know that it will take at least some color.

  5. brought up a good question asking about watercolor over fixative. I used to paint on aquaboard that had a special layer of whatever on the board.......kind of a rough texture (maybe gesso??) Because of that, I guess I just assumed it would work OK for watercolor to work over a fixative. I just never thought about it before I tried adding the watercolor. I've posted a sample of what I've started doing on my sketch crawl pages after spraying it. You can also spray the fixative over top of watercolor. I have used it over the painted aquaboard to protect the painting because I didn't put the finished boards behind glass.


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