Friday, April 7, 2017

Today's Sketch Outing with Leesburg Art League

This morning the art league had their own sketchcrawl.  We were to meet at the Art Center and then walk somewhere in downtown Leesburg to do some sketching.  It was decided on Simon Seed Garden Center.

The morning was quite chilly but for me was great as I still have some northern blood in me.  It was low 60s when we headed out and for me that's perfect weather.  It was also quite windy and sunny :-)

There were five of us for this outing and we all sat outside at the garden center working on various subjects.  This trip I chose to sit towards the front corner where there are clay pots stacked.

Stillman & Birn Beta / Lamy Safari with Lexington Gray Ink

Sketched in pencil first, inked using fountain pen, and watercolor to finish it off.


  1. Looks good. I am almost ready to draw with the groups.
    Lee Kline

  2. Thanks Lee............and I'm looking forward to it :-)

  3. Great to see you sketching outside but sad I wasn't there too.
    I took a lot of photos there last week when we were buying some plants.
    I am company up the kazoo right now and through the 17th. No outdoor sketching except on my own and on the fly for now. My two grandsons (10 and 11) will be here with my son and his wife. They arrive tomorrow at lunch time flying in from Illinois.

    Love your work as always.


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