Saturday, June 24, 2017

75 Day Challenge Days 28 and 29

In my previous post I shared where I stained two pages in my Beta journal.  This is what I ended up doing on both pages.

75 Day - 28:  Flags at Wooten Park in Tavares, FL.  From our sketchcrawl last Tuesday. worked from a photo I took while there.  S&B Beta journal using the Edison Beaumont fountain pen and Lexington Gray ink.

 75 Day - 29:  On location relaxing in a lazy boy chair watching youngest granddaughter's stuffed monkey  :-)  S&B Beta using the Namiki Falcon fountain pen and Lexington Gray ink.


  1. I think flags are darn hard to do. These are terrific.
    I must remember to try this more often.
    You are an inspiration.
    75 day challenges are hard but very fruitful.
    Not many challenges for me this summer...I have enough on my plate.
    But I try to sketch at least twice a week.

  2. I keep asking myself why I made this commitment Some days it's not easy to work a sketch because it can take a good chunk of time to do one. But then the answer helps spur me on.

    We are each others' inspiration. Your work inspires me as well :-) Thank you, Ginny!!

  3. You have a great touch for making monkeys and other things that are furry actually look furry.....with ink! Amazing!

  4. Thank you Fay :-) Maybe it's from still being a kid at heart and loving stuffed animals at my age. I can be playful with putting down lines and you don't have to be super precise to make them look okay. Unlike people or buildings. Although wonky buildings have character (or so I keep telling myself).


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