Thursday, July 20, 2017

75 Day Challenge - Days 52 and 53

Well I'm just past 2/3 of the way through this 75 Day Challenge / Round 2.  Am I feeling a bit more confident jumping in with pen and ink?  I think so.  At least I'm not feeling that major hesitation or fear when starting out.  Do I still want to grab my pencil?  It's just the way I enjoy working, I guess.  But my working this challenge can only be a positive  :-)

Day 52 - I grabbed one of my little lego people and decided to sketch her.   I was looking at quotes for artists and thought I'd work this little illustration with one I really liked.

The lego lady is using pen and ink but the quote is added with computer so I can change the quote around and share if I so choose.  The lego lady and surrounding box was worked in the cartridge paper journal.
Day 53 - An added challenge working pen and ink only is working with a black subject.  Sometimes I'm not sure just how much to fill in and it still represent black without going overboard or it turning out as a solid fill.  And with this one I faced yet another challenge using a Micron trying to achieve variations in line strokes.  It's easier with a fountain pen for sure.

Worked in the Cartridge paper journal / Micron 02

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