Tuesday, August 8, 2017

75 Day Challenge - Days 66 through 72

Here is where I am at with the challenge with only three more days remaining.  All were done using the Lamy Safari.  The more I use that pen, the more I love it because of better control I have on ink being laid down on paper.

Day 66 - When nothing else jumps out at me to sketch, I can always sketch my little bears - S&B Beta

Day 67 - Revisiting past sketch ideas but laid out differently on the page - S&B Beta

Day 68 - From a trip we made to Crystal River - S&B Beta

Day 69 - Salvaging through a drawer of odds and ends looking for sketch ideas - S&B Beta

Day 70 - From trip to Barberville Pioneer Village - S&B Beta

Day 71 - Figurines I have for Autumn - sketched on the back of a statement and cut/glued to journal page.

Day 72 - From photos I have of a Betta I used to have after moving here to Florida.  Sketched on the back of a statement and cut/glued to journal page.

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