Monday, January 15, 2018

Revisiting my Hummingbirds

Ohhhhhh how I miss these guys.  I have a few people here in central Florida surprised I haven't seen them here but one a couple of times in over 3 years.  We've tried putting out feeders and making sure we have plants that attract but still no luck.

While living in West Virginia we had no problem with them coming around and I took hundreds and hundreds of photos.  Out of all the photos I have on hand, this is one of my favorites and I've sketched him a couple of times.

Each day he liked to perch on this tall tomato stake we had at the corner just over the railing of our front porch.  He would sit there guarding the bird feeders.......taking off after others who dared try to drink from HIS feeders.  What's so funny is that we had six feeders hanging from the porch but he thought they all belonged to


  1. Beautiful drawing! Living in Arizona we have daily hummingbird visits to our feeder. I too have noticed some seem to "bully" the others and chase them away. They are so beautiful and such fun to watch.

  2. Thank you Terri :-)

    We're going to try again setting out feeders hoping we can at least attract a few. We'll probably set out feeders beginning sometime next month. Maybe we've been setting our feeders out too late.......I don't know.


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