Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Trying to Keep from Snacking

For years I've dealt with the need to snack after dinner.  I'm normally a night owl staying up way too late which adds to the problem.  My doctor claims it is "comfort eating" that I am plagued with so I try to occupy my mind and hands with sketching to help battle that.  Some evenings are better than others.  The plus side is that I've learned to snack on healthy foods but it sure doesn't help with my never ending battle of weight control.

Anyways.......last night I struggled and tried to sketch while watching TV.  Can't say it helped with the snack attack but I at least did a little sketching :-)


  1. I have the same problem! 🤭

  2. qui ne connaît pas cette gourmandise de fin de journée une petite douceur rendue bien bénéfique par les croquis. pas de regrets savourez et savourons aussi !


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