Saturday, May 26, 2018

Trying to Get Back into the Swing of Things

I haven't managed to do a whole lot of sketching since my last post.  We ended up making a trip to West Virginia on May 17th and talk about a rough trip!  Stormy weather topped with accidents made for a very long drawn out trip but we made it safely.

During our time there visiting Mom in the hospital, I only managed a partial sketch.

We made our way back home a few days later and that trip wasn't as bad.  We chose to drive at night and except for a few spots of light rain, the weather was clear.  We're learning driving straight through between Florida and WV is getting more and more difficult to do.

Now that I'm home, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.

For a few days we are keeping my youngest son's dog, Lola while he and my middle son make the trip to WV for their dad's 65th birthday and to visit their grandmother who's been moved from the hospital to a rehab center in Huntington.

This puppy is so full of life..........a play monster for sure.  Our 9 year old dog is not crazy about  her being around either.  She sees Lola as a bull in a china shop and just wants to be left alone.  Lola on the other hand wants desperately to play.

There's an overpass in Charleston that we traveled each day to and from the hospital.  Each time we drove over this overpass, I was drawn to all the rooftops one sees and took several photos.  This sketch is from one of those photos.

1 comment:

  1. Lola's expression is so funny.
    You can tell she is trying to get you to play! What about me? she says.
    Sorry you had to make this difficult journey.

    Waiting to hear if there is a June schedule for sketching AND hopefully something close like Simon Feed (which I missed.)

    All of this in case it ever stops raining!


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