Monday, November 5, 2018

Golden Rain Tree Autumn Colors

This is one tree sitting in our front yard I absolutely LOVE!!!  Love the shape of the canopy and how it produces bright yellow flowers in the fall followed by these reddish seed pods.  Although the tree is still loaded, there are pods everywhere between our yard and our neighbors.

I found this piece of limb in the yard and brought it in to sketch/paint.  Along with it were teenie weenie spiders that crawled out on the paper as I was 

Fabriano Venezia sketchbook and Lamy Safari with Lexington Grey ink.


  1. We have a ton of golden rain trees around our park (so beautiful) but I've never dissected one.
    Thanks for showing me what they look like! Great job.

  2. This group of pods are still like they were the day I picked them up off the ground. I figured by now they would be dry, brown, and brittle.


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