Thursday, January 3, 2019

2019 Sketching Goals

This year's goals basically repeat what I set every year with regards to my sketching.
  1. 365 sketches total for the year
  2. Work on the 75 Day Ink Only Challenge (Brenda Swenson's challenge)
  3. Inktober
  4. Completing the monthly challenge my friend over seas and I set for each other.

In addition, I want to add to the above list the following:
  1. A second monthly challenge our sketching group has begun
  2. Work on different hand lettering styles for my journal pages.  
  3. Include more writing in my journals with more information like I write when I post to my blog.  
  4. Complete the several journals I have going at the same time..........ones I've worked in but tend to avoid because I'm not crazy about the paper.  I have way too many unfinished and it bugs me.
Besides the hand written list I have for myself, I decided to illustrate my main goals.  I went into this with layout/design and different lettering and accents in mind.

Adding some color using Procreate (digital color).

The black and white printed off on Strathmore Imperial 500 watercolor paper - 140lb Cold Press and QoR watercolors.


  1. Good for you. I think you will accomplish everything!

  2. Thanks Lee for the confidence :-)

    I'm still recooping from October. I managed to meet all my goals for 2018 but slowed way down by December. I'm already off to a slow start but hopefully that will change.


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