Thursday, January 24, 2019

Mason Art Center Leesburg

Today at noon three of us met up to go over setting up a Facebook account, joining the sketcher's group in Facebook, and using Facebook on tablets and phones.  

Arriving 20 minutes early, I parked and decided to sketch what was in front of me while sitting in the car.  Worked a quick pencil sketch and started with pen and ink when it was time to go inside Starbucks for coffee and working on our tablets.

This art center is right across the street from the Library and Starbucks.

Worked in Fabric Traveler's journal using Strathmore 500 Imperial watercolor paper / QoR watercolors.

Lamy Safari EF with De Atramentis Document Brown ink.  

**Was a nice surprise to find after my pen sitting unused for several weeks that it started feeding ink immediately.  Didn't have to work with it to get the ink flowing.

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