Sunday, January 27, 2019

One of Those Days

Today I've been sketching how I feel......the battle I often fight as I try to retrain how I think and feel about various things. 

I've always been the pessimist thinking that if I expect the worse, it would help when things go wrong versus expecting the better and things not work out.  It's taken a lifetime to realize expecting the worse is not the way to deal with things opening one's self to an ongoing depressed state of mind.  So for the last almost five years I have been trying to counter all negative thoughts and feelings by trying to find positives.  Some days that battle is far more difficult to fight than others.

Our weather today is not helping matters as it's quite chilly and has been raining all day which plays havoc with my mental/emotional state of mind.  It reminds me of how I felt most days when living up north and very thankful we're now in the south where all day gray or rainy days are not the normal.  And feeling as I do, I thought I would lose myself in sketching those feelings out.


  1. And I swear it has gotten worse out there. Rain just slamming against the windows here. And only 46 degrees. GRRR.

  2. I sat up until 5:30 this morning (Monday) when it appeared to have finally stopped. At least today the sun is back out :-)


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