Saturday, January 19, 2019

Pokemon Let's Go Eevee

My husband and I are Pokemon fans and have played the console game for many, many years.  We look forward to the new releases every year to two years.

This past November there was a new release but was for the Nintendo Switch, which we didn't have yet.  We hesitated in buying this game as it's different and not what we've been used to playing.  The Pokemon Let's Go series follows with the game play of Pokemon Go and that was one we never got into.....we preferred the original game series of Pokemon.  However, with the release of this Let's Go Eevee and Pikachu, you were able to stay home and play on the Switch unlike the original Pokemon Go where you use your phone having to go outside the house to catch pokemon.  We decided to go ahead and give it a try since we could play this particular release in the comfort of our home.

Both of us are playing the Let's Go series with me playing Eevee and Terry playing Pikachu versions.  That way what pokemon he can't get (or vice versa), we can trade with one another to collect all the pokemon to fill the pokedex.

I play to collect all pokemon so I can get the shiny charm and later shiny hunt.  I've been shiny hunting now for weeks and have 69 shinies and passed on 12 others that popped up but I already had.  Some shinies I'm catching for Terry since he can't get certain pokemon in his game and he's doing the same for me.

Another thing that is very different between the version types is that in the Let's Go series, you see the pokemon you can catch.  They pop in and run around and then shortly disappear with others popping in.  The original game series, you walk around in caves or grass but cannot see the pokemon.  All of a sudden you are alerted you've encountered a pokemon and it shows up.  You're basically hunting blind.  We LOVE the fact you can see them in Let's Go and can select which ones you want to go after.

Anyways.........this morning I was asking myself if I had to pick a single favorite pokemon out of this game, which one would it be?  Easy answer ........ my #1 favorite is Squirtle, which is one of the three starters.   If asked why, it has to be because of what this little fellow represents or reminds me three sons as toddlers running and jumping about giggling as they toddled off making us chase after them.  I was playing the game when this came to mind and decided to stop long enough to work this quick sketch :-)  The sketch is based off of a stuffed squirtle toy and I love and collect stuffed animals ... even at my


  1. This was liking reading a post in German. I did not understand a single thing you just said.
    I get that you and hubby are playing a game. That it is fun.
    But after that I am just clueless what you are talking about.
    So funny.

  2. I thought about that as I was writing up the I know there are a lot of folks who might read and not understand a word I said. Several in the family play this so they will definitely relate with the post. When the boys were with us, it would be Travis, Terry and I playing. We did that rather than watch TV. My nephews and their friends play the game to see who beats the other in total time to beat the game. They were not into collecting "critters" like Terry and I are.

    Shiny critters are rare and are different colors from the normal in their species. One has to spend a lot of time "hunting" for one to show up.

    Playing sure beats what shows on TV anymore and when not in the mood to sketch :-) And it's something Terry and I do together, which is nice.


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