Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Couple of Sketches

Considering I was at a stand-still with finishing this last batch of journals, I found myself itching to do a little sketching (FINALLY). 

Both are worked in the journal gifted to me from India.

This first is of a found dried up baby Brown Anole found in the bathroom along with eggs we found when we closed out our storage unit and was going through boxes sorting and deciding what to keep or give away.

Although the date says the 6th, I was mentally a day behind when I wrote that date in last night after finishing the pencil sketch.

This next one I started last night and finished off today as I waited for UPS with my order with fabric and decorative paper.   That's when I discovered I was off on the date.....ooops.

I pulled out a palette of Holbein watercolors I haven't used in years.......just for a change.  Amazing to me how well dried watercolor can be this old and still reactivate as easily as they do.

We have two Gnome gardens plus a Fairy garden and I worked this one little section of the larger of the three. 

It felt good sketching again and hope the mood stays with me for awhile before the next "recharge" period hits me.

My fabric arrived and I finished the last of the six journals this evening trying out something a little different.  That will be covered in my next post.


  1. Beautiful journal entries, I love to read what supplies you use.

  2. Laurie.......thank you :-) My record of supplies helps me down the road when I look back wanting to remember what I did or used. If I fail to write it on my journal pages, I can come back here and look it up :-D


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