Friday, June 14, 2019

Gecko Babies and Eliminating Self Imposed Anxiety

Left Page - Baby Geckos

We had unexpected baby geckos hatch from eggs found months ago (found in lunch bag in storage we closed out) I had sitting in a dish for sketching.  It was early evening and walking by where the dish was sitting, my eye caught a glimpse of something that looked different.  At first I thought I was suffering double vision of a dried up brown anole also sitting in the dish.  Looking closer I saw it was a baby gecko.  I carried the dish out and released the baby in the garden so he could get to food and water.

Looking closer at the eggs, three other eggs look different.  They are darker in color (as if something inside) and have some weight to them.  I was sitting in the chair next to the table the dish sits and heard a noise.  Within 30 minutes we had a second hatching.  We set that little guy outside as well.

Right Page - Eliminating Anxiety

It's been eating at me that here it is June already and I still have the 75 Day Ink Only Challenge looming over me to do this year.  A self imposed yearly challenge I set each year simply because I feel I have to.  Well meaning compliments or comments has left me to feel or given my inner critic the excuse to nag at me that using pencil must be a no no and that I need to work towards not using one.  I have finally made the decision that I'm not going to feel like I'm doing something wrong by using pencil first and setting myself free of that anxiety.

I like using pencil for several's NOT just about having the ability to erase (although that does take pressure off a person....HA HA).  I'm not in a race to work a page and the entire process I enjoy the most  (pencil / ink / paint ... and in that order) is what makes my sketching relaxing, fun, and therapeutic in nature.

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