Sunday, June 9, 2019

What's Next

Although it's probably just silly superstition, it's seems to always play out to be true for us when something bad happens, it comes in three.

First it was the refrigerator and now it looks like our vehicles.

Wednesday evening Terry went shopping for groceries and came out to his truck only to find it wouldn't start.  My first thought was the battery but we didn't have cables on either vehicle to test that out.  He was thinking starter because he thought he heard a clunk sound when he turned the key in the ignition.  I brought him home and Thursday he had his truck towed to Toyota.  As it turns out, it was only the battery and an expensive one at that!!!  Here he was sitting in a parking lot where Advance Auto sits and could have had a choice in batteries at I'm sure a lower price.  Oh well.  The positive to this.........he FINALLY has maintenance done on his truck while at Toyota.  Something he's been dragging his feet on for over a year.

My SUV has had an ongoing issue with the tailgate.  Started years ago and three trips to Toyota only for it to work just fine when they tested it.  And we always left feeling like idiots because they would just pass it off as needing to hit the reset button on the tailgate.  Each time following the trip to Toyota, we'd get home and it would not operate correctly.  This went on until it reached the point where we had to forcefully open and close the tailgate 90% of the time.

Friday we scheduled for my car to have it's maintenance done (only a few months late) and Terry went to the service manager about the tailgate rather than relying on one of the techs.  We were tired of being put off without them holding onto and really taking the time to check it.  Of course at first try, the tailgate opened and closed just fine.  The service manager said they would test it while doing the maintenance and lo and behold, it failed to open.

Out of three prior trips only one tech bothered to document our complaint and fortunately it was when our car was still under warranty.  The service manager did some research and found this was a common complaint for our year SUV and is submitting for approval for Toyota to cover the cost since it was first reported while still under warranty.  No promises though (and I'm not holding my breath) but we can keep our fingers crossed.  If they don't cover the repair under warranty, we're looking at least $1300 just for the part.  We won't know until this coming week.

So we're asking ourselves, will these two added issues with vehicles be considered #2 or  What's next?

Yesterday was rather uneventful here but my nephew was married up in West Virginia.  I hated we had to miss it!!!  The entire day my mind was on them while I tried to focus on here at home.  At least my oldest son and his family were able to make it and I'm so thankful for that!!  At least someone from my side of the family made it to the wedding.

With yesterday's lack of focus, I at least managed a little illustration of the wedding and then decided to chart my greens for comparison.  I have all these tubes of green paint but normally only grab the Sap Green.

KG sketchbook / Mixed brands / Micron 01

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