Sunday, July 21, 2019

Checking Out Our Feeders

It's really unusual to see a family of four Sandhill Cranes.  Normally, from all I understand and have read (and personally witnessed), even if two chicks hatch, only one youngster makes it to fledging.  So this is exciting to see two instead of one.

They came into the front yard to check out our bird feeders.  They must have found something they liked as they hung around for awhile with one of the adults reaching the flat feeders and the youngsters working the ground.  Not sure if it was the male or female (I believe it was the male due to size) but one of the adults hung back as if on watch detail.  Then he or she checked out the ground beneath the feeders before deciding it was time to move on.

The adults started walking away together while the two youngsters hung back a few minutes before following suit.

Sketched these two as they were leaving to catch up with Mom and Dad.

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