Thursday, July 11, 2019

Testing Zebra F-402 Ballpoint Pen

My youngest son gave me a pen he wanted me to try for sketching.  It's his favorite pen for writing and using on the job filling out work orders.

I love sketching with ballpoint minus ink build-up and blobbing.  That takes the joy out of it for me if a pen blobs too easily having to keep wiping on tissue.  Disrupts the flow of sketching for me.

This little sketch is my testing out the pen on Stonehenge Aqua watercolor paper that has a little tooth to it.  I was testing values I could achieve, how well the .7 mm point fed the ink on toothy paper, and how bad it might produce ink blobs.  It's didn't do too bad.  There are a few little blobs and I only wiped the point maybe three times the entire time I worked this.

**Misjudged overall size of sketch subject resulting in bird tail running off the edge.  Ooops.


  1. I like the tail off the page.
    This needs to be framed, luv.
    It is exquisite.

  2. Thank you for the beautiful compliment!!!


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