Monday, September 2, 2019

Anxiety of the Unknown

For most, I think the not knowing can be the most unnerving!  Here we sit for days glued to the news awaiting updates on hurricanes, their projected paths, where they will hit, and duration.  One sits and wonders what is reality versus excessive hype..........especially if you're new to dealing with hurricanes.  Does one leave or stay?  If you evacuate, will you be sitting in gridlocks along the way and make it out in time?  Will you be able to find gas if trying to evacuate?  What will one face when returning?  (At least we personally don't have to deal with evacuations.)  One looks around their homes questioning the safety of trees versus structures.  Scurrying around cleaning up yards of anything that can turn into flying missiles hoping you have room in a garage or outdoor building to hold the stuff.  For those along the coast, preparing buildings with plywood and other protective coverings, as well as packing and hauling sandbags.  Then there's the mad rush with people getting gas and other supplies/food.  Long lines, panicky/irritable people, and empty shelves adding to the anxiety.  If parents of young children, one has to try and put on a face of courage and faith so that the children don't panic.  And then there are the pets who are affected poorly by weather.  Finally, gathering important things inside the house and hoping you have a safe place to ride the storm out.

For us, every room (including bathrooms) has windows and closets we have are along external walls.  There are two very narrow linen closets but no way can one person spend any time in that small space.  There's one hallway between two bedrooms and a bath you can close off with a pocket door but overhead sits an attic fan you question whether it will come down on top of you or not.  That's the one thing about our house I do not care for..........not having a place one can feel safe spending any time in during damaging storms.

Florida was never tops on my list of places to live but here we are due to employment.  We had the choice of where in Florida and chose central knowing what the state faces every year.  My mom and several other family members lived/live in Florida and have for years.  Other family live near the coast in North Carolina.  And then there is my sister who lives across the Gulf in Rockport, TX that was devastated by Harvey and they lost so much.  So with family experiences with hurricanes, I find myself quite on edge and the worst is not knowing what to believe versus what to take with a grain of salt and still be prepared with as little stress as possible.

I don't do well with daily storms, let alone facing hurricanes or the chance of spin-off tornadoes.  So here I am going through purchased comfort food days ahead of the actual event, glued to the TV and news sites online, and packing on the pounds by the  I try to sleep but can't turn off the brain and I try to sketch but it's hard to focus.   I did manage this sketch during wee hours of the morning before finally going to bed at 4 a.m..............along with a bloated belly from the constant snacking.  I'm going to have to start rationing the goodies if I have any hopes of having anything left for when I really need it..........ha ha.

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