Friday, September 20, 2019

Playing With New Inks (New to Me) - Diamine

Today my order of four Diamine Inks came in and wanted to work this chart showing the colors and how they wash out with damp/wet brush.

What inspired me to try these inks was a dear friend of mine (Fay) told me about and shared a little sample she was working on using the Graphite color.  When I went to order the one color, I ended up with eight colors in my cart and had to apply some self discipline to cut that order, at least in half (for now.....ha ha).  Colors waiting in my wish list for my next order will be more in the line of the three primaries and a dark brown.

I love ink and wash and should do more of it.  I just don't always think to do so.  It presents a challenge in itself in controlling the bleed of ink when applying a wet brush.  Some inks wash out more so than others and what paper one uses will also make a difference in how the ink behaves.

Results of these four colors that came today tell me I could have a lot of fun with this brand of ink.  Pretty colors. 

Also taking this opportunity to play with dip pens and later my glass pen.

Worked in the HSFab01 sketchbook (old stock of Fabriano Artistico 140 lb coldpress)


  1. It'll be fun to see what you come up with while using these inks!
    New art supplies. AH...they are great.

    I am into graphite and charcoal at the moment and enjoying playing with those mediums.
    I am hoping my last drawing class next week will get into figures as a review of the proportions.
    I wish we had a good figure drawing class going at know we could just get together and take turns posing. Sigh.

    Lovely day today. Warmish. Cold coming but we got a reprieve and it's in the low 70s here. Wonderful color. Lucky us.

  2. I am not familiar with using charcoal (too messy for my liking) but I love graphite!!!!

    Although I don't miss the naked trees of winter, I miss the color change!!!! And I do miss the snow provided I don't have to go out in it :-)


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