Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sketch With Me - Seasons

This month's theme for the Sketch With Me challenge is seasons (Cathy Johnson's monthly challenge)....sketching anything that represents what the season is like where we live.

The last few days could fit into this as I walk around taking note and sketching what's going on right around our house but saved working these last two for the actual challenge.

While northern states may be seeing a drop in temperature and beginning to see Autumn colors, there's not much in the way of change here.  The weather is still hot and humid, although we did have a few nights where it actually dropped into the upper 60s and that was a Blessing!!  But days are averaging low 90s.

Instead of seeing signs of color change you see up north (before flowers, trees, and shrubs go dormant), we are  seeing new life, budding, flowering, and fruit production.  We still enjoy color but not in the same way.

We do have a Golden Rain tree that the green leaves will soon change to yellow but it will be another couple weeks before our tree does that.  Then we will see the seed pods dropping everywhere. 

All in all, our season is basically the same as it's been since April.  If we're lucky, it might start cooling off by December; however, Florida has basically two seasons........Early Spring and Summer.

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