Monday, October 7, 2019

Acorns and Palm Berries

I haven't done a great deal lately.........basically taking a bit of a break.  Even with that said, I've managed these two pages in my journal.

Both pages I'm using a Platinum Carbon Desk Fountain Pen I haven't used in awhile.  Plus I loaded it with Noodler's #41 Brown, which I haven't thought to use.........mainly out of the fear of it clogging my pen.  One of my friends uses this ink and hasn't had issues so I went ahead and loaded my pen with it as I like the different tone that it has compared to the DeAtramentis Document Brown ink (although I do like it too).

Out of all my extra fine nibs, I think this pen has the finest of all.

Initially I was only going to work the one twig with leaves and acorns but then decided to work others I had on hand I've picked up from the yard.  And with this sketch I felt a tug of war between the left and right side of the brain.  I was struggling with focus capturing what I saw rather than what I thought I was seeing.

I was going to call it done but then decided to add a bit of color to the only one with leaves.  Also decided to use a greenish brown pigment I seldom use........Raw Umber.  It along with the Sap Green gave me the flat look I wanted where the leaves are drying out.

And today as we sat without power, I worked on this one off and on.  I took one of my autumn figurines and replaced the pumpkin and haystack with the Palm berries Terry has removed from our tree.  We don't like leaving them in the palm for fear of the berries falling and our dogs getting a hold of them.  Our understanding is that this particular Palm berry is toxic to dogs.  My son's lab likes to pick up everything so this way we remove temptation.

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