Thursday, November 14, 2019

November Challenge - Winter Season

This month the challenge between myself and my friend overseas has to do with the Winter season.  Changes in temperature, foods we might eat this time of year, clothing we might wear, activities we might be involved in, holiday preparations, etc.

Winter Season to me means (or should mean) cold fresh air, beautiful autumn colors before the trees turn bare, relief from summer bugs and mosquitoes, the threat/anticipation of snow, the smell of wood burning in wood stoves and fireplaces, fixing hot chocolate and eating foods (stews, soups, etc.) to warm your insides, ..... all of which go hand in hand with back to back Holidays starting in October.  Unfortunately, it's not that way for me now and hasn't been the last six years.

For us there's not much change and I have a real hard time with the season and holidays. 

We don't really dress very differently except maybe throwing on a long sleeve shirt or light weight jacket.  We don't fix different meals you might with cold weather moving in.  Flowers continue to bloom and trees remain green (at least where we are).  Mosquitoes and all sorts of flying and crawling critters are the daily norm.  I avoid going out as I don't care for the craziness of holiday shopping or seeing Christmas decorations that just seem out of place here.  I don't even look forward to putting up a tree, nor do I set out all the decorations I used to.  Too much trouble for decor that just doesn't fit.

With all that said, I decided to work a page about some of what I miss by living in a subtropical climate....illustrating a new ornament representing one aspect of Christmas in Florida and how it contrasts with everything I associate with this time of just doesn't feel right :-(

FIbook75x75 / Stonehenge Aqua / QoR and W&N watercolors / Pilot Vanishing Point with Lexy Grey ink.

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