Wednesday, December 4, 2019

New Golf Cart

Several of our neighbors have purchased golf carts to ride around in the neighborhood.  It's common in The Villages here in Florida but not so much in the other areas that are not designed as retirement communities.  The Villages is a self contained, very large retirement community (made up of several different style villages, actually) where people use their golf carts to go everywhere to include shopping.  They have dedicated lanes to drive, which is really unique.

Those here in our neighborhood basically just use theirs to get out and ride around our neighborhood.  We've been considering one and finally took the plunge and purchased this green one.............perfect size for my miniature bears.

Tried to sketch it finding it very difficult to get the perspective right.  No big surprise to me as that's one area I struggle with and I doubt will ever change.  I get lucky once in awhile but for the most part, I'm always off somewhere.   I came close to just giving up on it but stuck it out until I at least achieved what you see here.  By the time I inked in the lines, I was kind of bored messing with it wanting to call it done but decided to at least add some color to the bear. 

FIbook75x75 / Stonehenge Aqua / DS and QoR watercolors / Lamy with Doc Brown ink

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