Sunday, March 22, 2020

Playing - New Shadow Mix

Painting shadows.......particularly cast shadows has always been an issue for me.  Putting in shadows tend to intimidate me for some matter how often I practice.

Most often it has to do with the color of the shadows never turning out how I like.  Either too blue / too lavender, etc., too stark or streaky looking.  Personally I prefer subtle shadows over bold.

I've tried mixing complementary colors together, mixing Blues and Siennas or Umbers together, and even using premixed tube shadow colors.  I seldom felt satisfied with the results.

My friend, Fay, shared a combination she recently tried using Potters Pink with Cerulean Blue.  I didn't have Potters Pink but instead Opera.  I tried that and although I could come close to her gray mixes, the results were a bit "too much.....too intense" for my liking.  Aliz plus Cer Blue didn't quite make it either.

Finally, I picked up a tube of Potters Pink and have to say I love the results with it and Cerulean Blue.  I also like the granulation achieved which to me adds a bit of interest.

This is my playing a bit this morning shading white objects.  Painted in Journal with Arches 140lb CP

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