Saturday, May 1, 2021

Monthly Theme for May 2021 - Items I Tend to Collect

Alexa chose the number assigned to "Items I tend to Collect" which covers quite a few ideas I can sketch this month.  I have quite a collection of pens, various trinkets, and stuffed animals to include my miniature bears.  One of my biggest weaknesses is collecting various cases.  

Most normal women get into buying/collecting dozens of shoes and/or handbags but then no one can call me normal.......ha ha.  I find a handbag I like and I'll use it for every occasion until it falls apart.  And shoes......I have two pairs of dress shoes (navy and black), pair of sneakers until they wear out, and pair of flipflops ... given the choice, I go barefoot.  I never got into matching shoes with clothing or handbags like many women do.  And as for clothing, my wardrobe is very simple with maybe a dress or two, t-shirts, a few blouses, and jeans.

Anyways......for my first example for this theme, I went with a few cases I have sitting right here near me that hold mainly pens but also a few other art supplies to include drawing pencils.

Second to last page in the journal Fay made for me / TWSBI 580ALR with Urban Grey ink / QoR watercolors.


  1. I'd love to know which cases these are!! I tend to be a collector as well!!

  2. Hi Betty........the green one is Lihit Lab pen case, the blue is from a set of four floral pouches for pencils, and the pink are called transformer pencil cases....all from Amazon


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