Friday, May 1, 2015

Fantastic Course on Craftsy - Steven Reddy

I have been a big fan of Steven Reddy's work using ink and watercolor for some time....first discovering him on flickr.  And for the longest time I so wished I could see him in action as he composes his still life setups and how he goes about working complicated scenes with multiple items (he loves the challenge of cluttered scenes). 

Lo and Behold.......... my wish came true :-)  I received an email alerting me that Craftsy was offering a course by Steven Reddy and I immediately jumped on it.  What a fantastic course beautifully presented and extremely informative.  By far my favorite of the courses I've taken to date :-)

Craftsy - Steven Reddy - Dynamic Detail in Pen, Ink, and Watercolor

Now I'm hoping he can offer another course showing how he goes about working landscapes and buildings !!!!!

The one item I didn't have on hand was India Ink he uses so I had to improvise by using Noodler's Black ink.  I'm really curious to see how the India Ink differs when added to water for making up different value solutions.  The Noodler's ink settles quickly to the bottom of the water with one having to stir or shake it several times throughout the process to obtain the value in which the solution was created to achieve.  In any event, I still ended up with a water proof diluted ink mix and made it work for these exercises.


  1. I'm so pleased for you that you found Steven's class - he is amazing - and your sketches are fabulous! I will put this on my to do list for when I have the time -and the pennies, for another class:)x

  2. Jules..........I'm still playing with this technique as I do find it intriguing. Received my bottle of India Ink yesterday and look forward to experimenting with that instead of the Noodler's ink.

    Thank you so much for your comment :-)


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