Sunday, May 3, 2015

Painting with India Ink

Received my bottle of India Ink so I could work some more using Steven Reddy's technique painting with ink and watercolor.

The India Ink is a joy to work with.  After mixed in water and sitting over night, it does not separate like the Noodler's ink did.  With the Noodler's, you could see a definite separation of ink on bottom and clearer water above it.  With the India Ink, it might require a quick shake but it still looks mixed throughout with no clear separation of ink vs water.

The ink/water solution went down much easier spreading across the paper (same paper surface as previous post).

And it might be my imagination but just appears to look cleaner in the final results than what I achieved using the Noodler's Black ink.  Will know better as I continue to experiment.

Stillman & Birn Delta, Microns 05 and 005, W&N watercolors, #5 Round

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