Monday, April 24, 2017

Afternoon at Silver Springs State Park

Yesterday Terry and I decided to drive out to Silver Springs State Park to check the place out.  So many people have mentioned this park with a couple suggesting as a place for the sketchers' groups to meet up for a sketchcrawl.

We used Google Maps GPS and our travel to the park seemed like forever reaching our destination.  All the traffic and traffic lights just made for a very long ride.

Using the same app, Google decided to bring us back a totally different route.  What fun that was!!!  All back roads going through horse and cattle country and the edge of the Ocala National Forest.  Although distance was a little further, we were moving most of the way back.........not all the stops due to lights or cars turning into shopping areas.

So that we could remember this country road route to take for future trips, I decided to sketch it out in my journal.

While at the park, we walked around taking loads of pictures.  This trip we decided to hold off on taking the glass bottom boat ride.......saving that for another time.  The water was absolutely beautiful and crystal clear which is not surprising due to the natural springs that feed the river there.

There were people kayaking and water boarding (think that's what you call those standing on boards and paddling) which amazes me due to the gators.  And we saw one very large gator in the areas many of these folks were paddling around.  My thoughts with the ones standing on boards.........what if they fall off?

We kayak in these waters but I'm still nervous about the what ifs I come across a gator while out there :-O

Anyways.......walking around, there was an area where all these little black things were walking and hopping about with every step we took.  Little one inch crickets I've learned are called Eastern Lubbers.

What a beautiful Sunday it was but a bit on the warm side.  There was a chance of rain but we only hit a few minutes of some sprinkles right before entering the park.  We look forward to another trip sometime in the near future.

Both pages worked in the Hand Sewn Journal #2 with a Platinum Carbon desk pen / Lexy Gray ink


  1. Easter Lubbers...Never heard of them! What a wild name.
    And indeed look a lot like our norther crickets that we start hearing in the fall in Wisconsin.
    Did these make any noise? I wonder what attracts them?

    Love the map sketch and I must remember to do that again soon.

    We took the boat ride and were surprised not see to any fish the whole trip.
    But it was a pleasant ride.

  2. Did I spell it wrong??? (no surprise if I did......ha ha) I had to look them up. I never saw grasshoppers up north like I have here in Florida.

    Thank you on the map sketch. I really enjoy working those :-)


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