Thursday, April 27, 2017

Sketchcrawl April 27, 2017 - Ferran Park

Today there were seven of us that showed up at Ferran Park in Eustis, FL

It was another gorgeous day with a few areas of clouds but sunny and quite warm.  It was 85 when I left around 11:30ish.

Although on the warm side, there was a nice breeze.  Unfortunately it was also quite buggy.

All around were squirrels playing and birds to include an Anhinga I sat maybe 2 to 3 feet away from with its wings spread out drying.  He stayed put but definitely kept his eye on me.

Frogs were croaking and then there was the sound of traffic a few blocks over and chatter from nearby folks walking their dogs or sitting.  One man with an elderly lady in a wheel chair sat to my left and he was fishing as the lady sat and watched.

As for sketching, I decided to do some quick sketching looking out across the lake from where the Anhinga and I were sitting.  I started on the right page sketching with my brush rather than pencil or pen.  The left page I worked my normal sequence.

Stillman & Birn Beta / W&N watercolors / Falcon for right page and Lamy for the left.......both with Lexy Gray ink


  1. Did you add the color on-site or afterwards?
    Nicely done. I have recently been around Eustis (the town) looking at the some of the restaurants and buildings and I think we could urban sketch on the streets there too.
    I like some architecture in my sketches too....most of the time.

  2. The one on the right I painted straight away on location and then added ink. The one on the left I worked my normal way of pencil and then ink adding color at home. And I agree.......downtown Eustis looks interesting with their buildings and shops. Planned in the future - probably after you return.


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