Tuesday, July 11, 2017

75 Day Challenge - Day 44

Was an all nighter where I couldn't sleep..........so I sketched.

While watching TV I paused this scene and sketched the house.  Worked with my Platinum Carbon Desk Pen / Lexy Gray ink in my hand sewn journal with Fabriano 140 Cold Press.

Also did this little illustration of a quick fix to keep a single ink vial in place without fear of tipping over when dipping a pen into the ink.


  1. What a great use for poster tac. I use it in my Zentangle classes sometimes so I have some.
    Especially for INK! Love the house.

  2. Thank you Ginny on the house :-) As for the poster tack, I pull little pieces off and roll into balls. I stick those as "feet" underneath power strips, cups, etc. to act as a slip proof means and protection if anything has sharp or rough undersides. I also use it that way behind frames on the wall to keep them from shifting or tilting. Another use is under watercolor pans to keep them in place in home made palettes.


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