Monday, July 10, 2017

75 Day Challenge - Days 39 - 43

Catching up with my 75 Day Sketch Challenge:

Day 39 -  Hawk on our back fence watching for birds to come to our feeders.  He doesn't stay very long though, as the blue jays will squawk swooping down making contact until he leaves.

Using Lamy Safari with Lexy Gray ink added in the original cartridge that had a little blue still remaining.  Still very much water soluble as seen in the wash.  S&B Beta journal.

Day 40 - One of my figurines in a collection I have that represent my three sons.  S&B Beta journal.

Day 41 - Our Curcuma is blooming again this year.  It sits in a pot we leave outside.  Purchased at Lowes back in 2014.  Cartridge paper from sketchbook purchased in the UK.
 Day 42 - From a photo of a friend of mine painting on location.  Cartridge paper from sketchbook purchased in the UK.
Miss Miya - quick sketching using Pilot Prera and Lexy Gray Ink  Cartridge paper purchased in the UK

Day 43 - Hummers I miss horribly from when we lived in West Virginia.  From two of my favorite photos I took several years ago.  With this I was trying out a new ink.......Noodler's Golden Brown.......and an Oblique Pen Holder.

The ink is water soluble and took a long time to dry on the Fabriano paper.  I had to lay a paper towel across the page and press to blot up the excess ink that didn't want to dry.  Love the color brown it shows and really lovely golden yellow wash with a wet brush.

Hand sewn journal / Fabriano 140 lb Cold Press

S&B Beta journal and ballpoint pen.  Showing before and after swishing a little color for added interest.

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