Thursday, June 20, 2019

Dead Ringneck Snake Found

We have a small entrance porch (covered) at the front of our house with a couple chairs.  Under Terry's chair I noticed this little guy on his back....definite sign it was not alive.  Before discarding him, I wanted to document capturing his unique color and patterns on the underside compared to how he looks right side up. 

We have several snakes, some of which are rather large.  All being non poisonous.  And we are grateful for them to help keep certain nasty critters from getting out of control.  One large black snake likes to sunbath in the middle of our back yard. 

As to what happened to this guy, we have no idea.  There were no apparent signs of another animal getting a hold of it. 

KG sketchbook / Micron 01 / Holbein watercolors

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