Saturday, June 22, 2019

Friday and Today's Sketching

My husband has been coming in saying how bad the midges are so I decided to document them in my sketchbook.  I went outside walking around studying and taking photos of those on the outside walls and car.  While outside, I walked around the house and saw where there were early fruits on the Japanese Yews.  My eye also caught something on the roof and it was this dove peeking over the edge.

Thursday, I got a call from my youngest son saying he had taken a bad fall in the attic of one of the houses he was checking for a break in wiring.  He found the problem and was headed out of the attic when he stepped back off the end of one of the joists onto ceiling.  So that he didn't damage or go through the ceiling, he quickly pulled back which caused him to lose his balance.  He tried to break his fall by grabbing onto an overhead support and his body swung around causing him to lose his grip.  He fell flat on his back across the joists.  Another contractor was below in the garage and heard the loud thud.  He had to help Travis out of the attic and my son's supervisor was called.  His supervisor came on site and saw to it Travis went to be checked out.  Took him to Leesburg Regional Urgent Care.  Although xrays were taken (not read yet), the physician documented Travis was suffering a contusion to the back and a spinal sprain.  He was sent home with instructions and wants him back Monday for a follow-up visit.

Travis is one hurting puppy but if there's a positive in this..........he didn't fall THROUGH the ceiling landing on a concrete floor below.  With two sons working jobs that require them at times up in attics, this has been one of my fears along with passing out due to the Florida heat.

Second page is my participation in Cathy Johnson's monthly Sketch With Me virtual sketchcrawl.  The theme for the month is "Challenge" where we choose to work something we find challenging......either subject or medium, etc.  

I'm always wanting to sketch and paint Miya but always find myself dragging my feet actually doing so.  It's her fur that intimidates me.

This started out as a graphite only sketch but then sprayed it and decided to go ahead and attempt the coloring.  Her fur is one of the things I love about her.  It's soft and I love the scraggly look due to the soft curls going off in various directions.  I keep her fur cut fairly short by sitting her in my lap and cutting with's one of our special bonding times together.  

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