Sunday, June 23, 2019

Morgan's New Bird - Charlie

Today I wasn't really feeling it to do any sketching until my granddaughter called all excited about a new bird she bought out of her own money.  The family are at the beach and she will pick "Charlie" up on their way home next Saturday.

While at the shop, Morgan held different parakeets until she found one that seemed to like her and not bite.  This little fellow even laid on his back for her to rub his belly and closed his eyes enjoying the moment.  Morgan has done her homework researching all she could about keeping birds.  How cool!!!

My granddaughter's phone call was enough to inspire me to grab my sketchbook and paint her bird from photo she sent me.

KG sketchbook
Holbein watercolors
Micron 01


  1. Susan, you are not going to believe this—I used to have a parakeet who looked just like this one and his name was Charlie too! How funny is that? Love your sketch of Charlie.

  2. Thank you, Annie :-)

    I had a parakeet many years ago who actually learned to speak. His name was Baby. You're going to laugh but I used to sit him on my shoulder when doing the dishes and sing "My baby does the hanky panky" and he picked up "My baby". I never knew they could talk until then. He later learned to say I love you and a few other short phrases.

  3. I love your sketch! My granddaughter also purchased a blue parakeet with money she worked hard to earn. I was so proud of her, like your granddaughter, she did her own research on how to care for one before getting her bird. When I was a child, our parakeet's cage was in our dining room. He had heard my sister's and I arguing over who's night it was to do the dishes so often, he would say, "It's your turn! It's your turn!"

  4. My parakeet never learned to talk but later I had a cockatiel who would whistle the theme from the Andy Griffith song, a cat call, and say pretty bird!

  5. I love hearing about other people who own or have owned birds.

    Thank you Giddings Art and Annie :-)


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