Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lucky Bamboo Plant - Ink and Wash

Needing to do something in color for a change, I grabbed my Tombow Marker Pens and sketched this bamboo plant.  It's not a true bamboo but instead in the Dracaena family.  Can be grown in a dish with pebbles and water or soil provided the soil is never allowed to dry out.  These plants do very well in the home or office in low to indirect light. 

The sketch was done initially using the green marker.  Then I took a waterbrush to make the ink bleed out.  Once that was dry, I went over with the yellow in areas and a bit of lost and found lines with the black.  I ran the waterbrush over areas to once again cause the ink to bleed.  While still wet, I took the Bt Sienna and Redwood (brown) markers and emphasized a few areas.  Once completely dry, I used the black and just touched up a few areas for definition. 

1 comment:

gardengram said...

I recently travelled to India, where I had the good fortune to view a Rudraksha tree up close in a small village. It was an incredible sight to see those unusual blue fruits dangling from their branches. The thing that really got to me was how deeply ingrained these trees are in Indian spirituality and culture. Not only are they trees, but they also represent protection and spiritual enlightenment. The idea that something as basic as a bead can have such deep spiritual meaning for millions of people worldwide is astounding.
rudraksha tree in india