Thought I would post a WIP this time around as a means to help push myself along. Some days I have no problem sitting and sketching/painting. Some days it can be an effort.

I'm working in my hand-made journal book which is about 5 1/2 x 7 or so Fabriano 140lb Cold Press.
This first posting is of the pen/ink sketch using the Noodler's Flex pen.
Working on this paper, the nib tends to feel scratchy. Working wood is really not an issue as I like the skipping. Plus being I'm working with pen and no pencil, it helps by making real fine and often lighter lines.
Now on this paper, the ink doesn't dry as fast and with me working right to left (a habit hard to break), my little finger ended up with ink smear which in turn ended up on my paper. Fortunately it's very light and the watercolor wash should mask that no problem. You'd think I'd learn but................
WOW..........I forgot how it felt to paint on actual watercolor Takes longer to dry (a good thing for wet in wet) and so forgiving!!!! N-I-C-E The pigment spreads so much easier.
One thing I have quickly learned about the Noodler's Black Ink I'm's bullet proof using on the paper in the Handbook but it's sure NOT on this paper!! It bleeds!!!!
I got carried away painting so I didn't get another scan in between the line drawing and the finished painting. I'm waiting on it to dry so I can scan.

OK..........went to scan and I found I will have to take great care using the ink on this paper even when scanning. I guess it just takes awhile for the ink to dry on this paper as does the watercolor. I found outlines of my building on my scanner bed Glad I didn't close the lid that has that white foamy pad under the would have had the ink on it too that I doubt I could have cleaned off.
Here's the finished painting............The Cer Blue sky didn't scan real well ........ some of the lighter tone didn't pick up.
DS - RS, BS, BU, Fum, Quin Rose, CerBl, Hansa yellow, Sap Green and a light glaze of Quin Gold to brighten the front up a bit.
#8 Round and 1/2" flat
The one thing I wish is that I had more variation in the time I'll try harder. :-)