My eldest son and his wife managed to get me interested in watching The Vampire Diaries a few weeks ago. I've been watching through Netflix trying to catch up on all the previous episodes. Finally I managed to get myself brought up to date with the present series.
In the last episode, there was a scene in the woods with an old shack or cabin that grabbed my attention and inspired me to do this next sketch and watercolor painting. It's not exact to the one in the actual film but definitely close.
The sketch is done in the Stillman & Birn Epsilon journal using my Pilot Prera and Lexington Gray ink.
Using Daniel Smith watercolors, I applied color using Raw Sienna, Bt Sienna, Bt Umber, Fr Ultramarine, Sap Green and New Gamboge.
Brushes used were my daVinci #20 flat, #6 Round, and 3/8" Angular. The flat was used primarily throughout with the other two brushes for finer detailing.
My version is definitely cleaned up from all the debris around the cabin and how dark the scene was in the film.