Monday, July 29, 2013

Something Old - Rustic

Every now and then I pull out my small 14 well palette that has various greens and Lunar pigments.  I keep them separate as they are highly granulating (well, at least most of the pigments are).

One thing I notice in this journal book and painting this small, the pigments really don't granulate as they would on other watercolor paper.  Maybe it's the vellum surface?  I'm not really sure.  Maybe if the illustrations were larger, the pools of pigments would have a chance to granulate.

Stillman & Birn Alpha Journal

Uni-ball Signo UM-151 0.28 pen with Brown/Black ink

Daniel Smith pigments

Lunar Earth and Daniel Smith's Burnt Sienna are very close in hue but the Lunar Earth seems not to be as strong or lively as the Burnt Sienna. 


Sandy Sandy Art said...

I like these full-color sketches, Susan! Glad to see you are still at it!

larry said...

These are really nice sketches, Susan. I noticed that you're using a UM-151. I'm sure enjoying mine.

Cheers --- Larry