Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Dinner Out

Two of my sons went together to take me out to dinner for Mother's Day.  My youngest gave suggestions since I don't go out to too many restaurants and one happened to be the Golden Corral.  I've never eaten at one that I can remember so I chose to try it.  Was really pleasantly surprised by the quality and good taste of the foods I chose to eat.

Setting a time to meet, my husband and I arrived before the boys did.  Here is a sketch I can look back on as a special memory of my dinner out with two of my three sons on Mother's Day 2013.

Stillman & Birn Zeta journal; W&N plus Daniel Smith watercolors, #8 and #6 rounds and 3/8" angular flat.  Also used my Pilot Prera with Lexington Gray ink.  In one area I in error picked up my other Pilot Prera that has Namiki Black ink that is water soluble.  Fortunately I caught myself after a few marks realizing the lines were darker than the others.

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