Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Baby Eastern Phoebe Pen and Ink

It's only taken me a year to gain the courage to attempt this little guy. He's a baby Easter of two babies in the nest above a light fixture over our basement door.

I had to take a photo as I stood up on step stool to get this close shot. Momma was right close by just a squawking at me. It wasn't long after this photo that babies left the nest.

After the nest was empty, we removed it but Momma rebuilt this year and had more babies. We think three this time. At one point when we went into the basement from that door, she flew inside and we had a time trying to help her find her way back out. 

Until we moved into this house two years ago, we'd never heard of a phoebe much less seen one. In fact we've seen a few different species we've never seen before to include the Towhee and another small brownish bird we've not been able to identify. 

Worked in the Handbook with Micron 01 for a good part of the sketch and then switched over to the 005.

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