Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Small Sampling of What I've Been Up To

It's been awhile since I posted to my blog, but, I've been keeping busy with my drawing.

Most of the work I've been doing has been drawing on the Ipad.  Digital offers me the opportunity to blend like oil painting (which I cannot use to fumes).  I love the different techniques and challenges .... always learning something new.

Earlier this year I concentrated on my miniature bear, Opal.

The following is only a small sampling of what I've accomplished.


These sketches are from the current Nintendo game family has been playing.

For weeks we've been caring for Travis's dog and this was following weeks dealing with a bladder stone and infection and then recovering from surgery.  Lola was eyeballing Terry's sandwich and the look on her face was priceless.  An expression I wanted to capture in a drawing for Travis.

Looking through my photos for an idea to draw, I came across a mobile phone photo of this Mantis.  What grabbed my attention was the color of the shadow.

Recently, Madison shared with me her trying to save bumblebees that came out during their warm spell followed by another winter cold snap making them lethargic.  She was afraid they would die and tried keeping them warm and safe.  She's not afraid of bees allowing them to crawl on her.  This is her finger with one and she's yet to be stung.  Not something I would do ........ lol.

Practicing Folds

Blending Technique I use in Procreate where I put down some color and push/pull the color out:

Couple of journal sketches with Pen and Ink:

1 comment:

lee kline said...

You HAVE been busy! I wondered where you had gone.